Energy & Environment

Acknowledgement statement

We all bear responsibility to protect the environment and our planet. Symoil recognizes that and are committed to continuously minimizing the impact our group of companies have on the global environment. As an Engineering and Technology company we are not only actively reducing our own (carbon) environmental footprint, but more importantly, to our client’s too.

Energy Transition

Symoil’s drive for excellence takes us even further with our tools and technologies, along with the company’s research and development, all of which, are instrumental to Energy Transition in western Europe and away from the use of natural gas to Geothermal Energy.

Three Core Elements of Our Strategy

1- Fixing before considering replacing

We recomplete older wells, which otherwise had to be side-tracked or new wells to be drilled. By applying re-stimulation techniques in older wells, which results in higher total production per well, eventuelly results to a lower footprint per barrel of oil produced.

2- Develop technologies that ever reduce footprints

 Requirement of O&G remains. Easy to recover resources are depleting. As a result the production of hydrocarbons comes out of harder to recover resource plays. These plays require hydraulic stimuations. By using our patented Continuum System or Nova Frac System, operators can drill extended horizontal wells. Using our technologies, client’s reduce their environmental footprints.

3- Build tools with the smallest possible environmental footprints

All our tools and technologies have been designed to keep required equipment to a minimum, by making our tools smarter, smaller, shorter and lighter. Ensuring clever design from the start, we minimize the snowball effect in each stage of the development process (design and production) thereby delivering a substantial environmental saving per product. We deliver a substantial positive change to our own and client’s environmental footprint. At Symoil, we require less resources, less transport, less surface aquillary equipment, we use smart (smaller) bases/ workshops, consume less heating, have no use for trucks. Just a (small) trailer instead, behind our car is exemplary.

Energy production from O&G is required for decades to come. As an engineering company we are fully aware that we are delivering our products and technologies to the Energy industry. Our approach to continuously improve, not only our own, but also, our client’s ecological footprints.

The Shareholders’ Council—our company board—with the support of its subcommittees, oversees our overall environmental-footprint strategy. Our Director of Environmental and Ecologycal Sustainability is responsible for shaping, maintaining, and ensuring implementation of our environmental-footprint strategy.

The global social responsibility team, supported by a council of company leaders, supports offices and functions in establishing initiatives, infrastructure, and processes that reinforce the core elements of our environmental strategy.

Symgeo for Geothermal Solutions

With the renewable energy transition is becoming more prominent and a clear vision is required to make a positive impact. Therefore “SYMGEO” has been established to offer the full portfolio of its technologies for the Geothermal industry. With our low cost / high value green approach we aim to become the main completions and tools services provider for all Geothermal projects in The Netherlands and Europe.

Symgeo participates in the Geothermal Industry in the following way:

1. Clear overall project goal

”Switch high energy consumers from Gas to Geothermal” Our presence in the Netherlands where the energy transition is in full force proves the potential. The capabilities for heating Greenhouses and the requirements for district heating form an ideal place for Geothermal industry.

2. Technical Capabilities

This industry requires the specialized tools, and the ability to build the completion items in majority of the types alloying. For this reason we are able to deliver the right solutions. Whether its high temperature applications or super duplex is required. We are ready for the challenge.

3. Smart design -> Reduction in Cost

Even though there is a large overlap with the conventional O&G industry, it’s not enough to just accept current designs. In order to make a substantial impact, we engineer smarter solutions to deliver positive impact.