Symoil supplies the world’s highest-rated swellable packers. Having the ability for local manufacturing in the Netherlands, we are able to supply customers with bespoken articles designed to suit customer well specifics while maintaining a standardized format. Thus offers an optimal cost effective solution rather than a one size fits all type of solution, additionally by being able to choose from a range of different elastomers we are able to tailor make a solution which exceeds the performance envelopes of 1st generation equipment.
Slip-on: Designed to be a short easily slipped onto a liner system to create compartments when used in combination with ICD’s helping stop sand migration between compartments. Has a limited differential pressure rating. Available to measure to suit any combination of hole and liner sizes and be available in water or oil swelling elastomers.
Bonded to Pipe: A water, oil or hybrid swelling elastomer as a bonded-to-pipe swelling seal, providing a high-pressure rated barrier, available with metallic or elastomeric running guides as required. Also available in 1ft lengths up to 44 ft versions to fit most common OCTG sizes and well hole size combinations with the metallurgy to suit the well conditions